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email: nmcn.support@swglobal.com
tel: 0810-457-7415 , 0811-887-2076


About Us

The Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria is a parastatal of the Federal Government of Nigeria established by Act Cap. No143 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004.

The Council is the only regulatory body for all cadres of Nurses and Midwives in Nigeria.


The primary objectives of Council are to ensure high quality of Nursing and Midwifery education in Nigeria, maintain high standard of professional practice and enforce discipline within the profession.

Broadly, the functions are related to those of designing, implementing and evaluating various Nursing educational programmes, of indexing, examination, monitoring standards of Nursing practice in the Country, registration, certification and licensure of professional Nurses.


All Registered Nurses and Midwives are required to complete the Professional Update Form (PUF).
Application commences on the 17th July 2017.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on PUF

Examination News & Events

2024 September Midwives Examination Applications ongoing

Exam Type Registration Start Date Registration Closing Date
Basic Midwifery 2024-07-19 2024-08-02
Community Midwifery 2024-07-19 2024-08-02
Post Basic Midwifery 2024-07-19 2024-08-02

Indexing News & Events

There are currently no Indexing Events going on.